Title: Semantic and proof-theoretic aspects of subminimal negation Abstract: The legitimacy of /ex falso quodlibet/ as one of the properties of intuitionistic negation has been controversial. Johansson’s /Minimalkalkül/ was introduced in 1937 as a possible solution to this problem, and is obtained from the positive fragment of intuitionistic propositional calculus by adding a unary negation operator satisfying the principle of contradiction. The aim of this talk is to give an overview of some recent developments in the study of subsystems of Johansson's logic—obtained by extending the positive fragment of intuitionistic logic with weaker unary negations—with special emphasis on the latest proof-theoretic developments. If time allows, we are also going to present the matter from a different angle, by interpreting the weak negations as non-normal modal operators. This talk is based on joint work with Marta Bilkova.