Logic, Belief and Language.
Some Small Gifts for Johan van Benthem
on the Occasion of his 50th Birthday

Elias Thijsse

Tilburg University, FLW/TKI, Postbus 90153, 5000 LE Tilburg


I discuss three different and, as a matter of fact, totally unrelated topics, reflecting part of my research interests, which are (hopefully) properly included in Johan van Benthem's: (1) a generalization of the Lindenbaum lemma with a connection to Universal Algebra, (2) an account of real or exclusive belief, as opposed to knowledge and subordinated under general belief, and (3) a reconciliation of some proposals concerning prenominal genitive possessives by means of generalized quantifiers. The order is somewhat arbitrary. Since (3) is an outgrowth of my master thesis and (1) and (2) are (remotely) related to the subject of my dissertation, both of which were supervised by van Benthem, this is meant to show his importance for my work.

Further Information

A more personal, spoken message is available here (in .wav format).

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